Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Gracias Mr Self Styled Management Guru

arindam c
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Dear Mr Arindam "Self Styled Management Guru" Chaudhri

Accolades to you for paving the path for India bloggers to enter the hallowed precincts that hitherto American bloggers enjoyed (who can forget how Indra Nooyi's speech at Columbia was thrashed out and the latest one involving the sacking of an American employee for bitching about his employer in his blog).

With IIPM actually retaliating in a major way to the blog postings of Gaurav Sabnis ( 2005/08/fraud-that-is-iipm.html ) and Rashmi Bansal of JAM, Indian blogs seem to finally gather the kind of momentum and eyeballs that the global counterparts were enjoying.

What has elated me in the whole episode is the kind of coverage that the Indian media has been showering and the way in which other bloggers have come to the support of Gaurav.

I do not want to comment on the veracity of the Gaurav and Rashmi expose but personally i do not have great opinion about you and IIPM . But thankfully the whole episode has ensured that Indian bloggers finally come under the glare of the arclight, with more people likely to take up blogging with passion to enjoy their 15 minutes "hall of fame".

Gracias Mr Chaudhri...But I guess you should start toning down the tendor of your advertising on IIPM and also retrace the steps targeted at Gaurav (media reports suggest that he has quit his IBM job to stop the embarassment that his employer was subjected to as your IIPM guys had threated to burn IBM laptops that they have received from the institute before Gaurav's office)....

Just hope you dont read this blog and stand outside my office in TTK Road, Chennai asking me to be sacked..anyways I am quitting from Hutch...

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