Gyan Time
Hey if you can lay your hands on "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari", then just dont lose the opportunity to read it. It is a book which can turn your life around. According to a Zen saying, "The teacher appears when the student is ready".
Well I am preparing a three page abstractof the book and if you are interested, mail me at and I shall send it across to you. I am sure it can definitely make a deep impact in the way you think. "The purpose of life is a life of purpose". Profound , Robin Sharma.
Well i went to Landmark yesterday and picked up the book that I have been longing to read. Rather for 5 long years. When I was in Pune, I first read Marketing Warfare which extensively quoted the greatest master of wars in global history - Sun Tzu. His "Art of War" is still considered a bible in warfare (incuding corporate warfare).
"To win without fighting is the best" is Sun Tzu's greatest dictum of all times. So thats the book in waiting for me but guess Robin Sharma is taking a lot of my time.